Keep Notes Online


Notes Ideas: How to create notes online, how to keep notes online, how to save notes online,as well as how to do note-taking online

1. Download and install the keep notes, save notes taking app on your android mobile or tablet device.
  1. First you must DOWNLOAD AND INSTALL the keep notes, save notes taking App available on google play store on your mobile or tablet device to use this service.
  2. After that make sure your internet is on if you want to make notes taking simple by just speeking.
  3. The language to use for speech to text service is english.
2. Create new note by tapping the + floating action round button on the bottom right of home screen.
  1. Choose note category, by default is general.
  2. TAP on the ,Enter title, textBox field then Type or speak the note tittle. This field is mandatory.
  3. TAP on the ,Enter details, textBox field then Type or speak the note details. This field is mandatory.
  4. TAP the done tick icon on the app bar on top right to save the note.
3. TAP on the mic icon or the ,speak, option on the app bar top right to use speech to text.
  1. First make sure the internet is connected then go to new note or to note details then either on the tittle or details textBox field TAP at the position where you want the text to be.
  2. Second TAP the mic icon or the ,speak, option on the app bar on top right.
  3. Third when the ,Speak now…, message appears on the interface that opens then begin to speak.
  4. Lastly, after you finish to speak and no internet connection problems, then your speech will be converted to text.
      4. TAP on any note of your choice on the home screen notes list to view its details.
  1. If you do any changes, then save your changes by pressing the update icon on the app bar top right.
  2. You can delete the note by pressing the delete icon on the app bar top right.
5. Quickly search for notes by typing the search text on the top app bar of the home screen.
  1. Press the search icon on the top app bar.
  2. Enter the search text to automatically get the related notes.
       6. Sort the notes on the home screen by title, date, number from the home screen.
  1. On the app bar top right press the options menu then expand sorting item then TAP on your desired sort option.
      7. Filter notes by category to see notes of one selected category from the home screen.
  1. On the app bar top right press the options menu then expand filtering item then TAP on your desired category.
  2. You can select the category All to see all categories notes.
8. Delete notes from the App from the home screen.
  1. Long press on any note of your choice then TAP all notes you want to delete permanently.
  2. All selected notes will change background colour and the empty small circle on top right of every selected note will be filled with colour.
  3. On the top deletion action bar press the three dots options menu then TAP select all to select all displayed notes, or TAP deselect all to unselect all displayed notes.
  4. TAP the delete icon on the top app bar then choose yes on the alert dialog box.
  5. To delete all notes of current displayed category, Press the options menu on the top right of the app bar then TAP clear Category option and choose yes on the alert dialog to delete all notes of current displayed category.
  6. To delete all notes fast, first filter all categories, after that Press the options menu on the top right of the app bar then TAP clear all then choose yes on the alert dialog to delete all notes of all categories saved on the App.
9. Apply settings to the app.
  1. Open the navigation drawer then navigate to settings.
  2. Then under Enable settings switch on the ,Allow settings to take effects, switch.
  3. After that make any changes you want like theme color, text color, text size, automatic save, and all options available as you want.
  4. After you finish navigate back to the home-notes screen to apply the changes.

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Keep Notes, save notes taking
Keep Notes, and in addition save notes taking

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